Travel in the 2020s
Our planet is full of places, populations, stories and cultures to discover. Travelling is now easier and cheaper than ever. Our dear planet is also fragile and evoluting. We are the main cause of climate change. How to roam the world while controling available life time, global budget and individual carbon footprint ? This is why Wotibuc was founded.
Decarbonate tourism
Wotibuc is a trip sharing plateform for worldwide travellers. The trip data base is multimodal, multilingual and spreads all around the globe. Trip durations may be of a few hours to a whole year. We humans excell in sharing informations. That is why we have languages, books and universities. The World Wide Web is the most effective international communication tool we have made so far. The goal of Wotibuc is to reduce the carbon footprint of worldwide tourism. We will have online travel and local trajectories proposals. Each publication is a stone on which the database is built for everyone to access.
Wotibuc is focused on mapping trajectories, timing and costing. It was designed to generate ideas while leaving space to improvisation, the very heart of travelling. Wotibuc provides a carbon footprint calculator. It should be taken into account with full consideration along with time and money. Most transports nowadays still rely on limited fossil ressources. Members publish trips but are limited to strict necessary data. Wotibuc limits the number of pictures users can upload to ensure speed, lightness and limited energy consumption. Wotibuc should be available worldwide with minimal Internet connection.
Privacy above all
Wotibuc was designed as a social media, trying to keep their best while avoiding their flaws. It relies on a community of users who can connect to each others. Sharing should not exclude privacy so the plateform has been designed to ensure maximum anonymity. Profiles are used to enable minimal account management but numbers are used as primary keys. Pseudos are welcomed to keep a minimum human spirit and other infos enable users to frame cultural backgrounds.
Who are we ?
We are the world ! Wotibuc is openned to anybody regardless of its age, cultural background, job, language or country of origin. You may be a regular traveller, a beginner, alone or part of a group. Wotibuc members are not bound by so-called 'borders' such as languages, nationalities or countries. These differences are the very basis of our strength as a community. Any language is accepted on the website, but please use most spoken ones.Figures will be prefered before words as the most universal language.
Openmindness & Respect
Here, we trust humans. We are curious. We believe in others life experiences. We share a passion for discovery and travel. Respect is a core value. Please leave asside cultural differences. According to cultures, Political or religious debates can harm or destabilise members, so be prudent, open-minded and respectfull. Insults or bullying won't be tolerated. Disrespectfull users will be expelled without further notice. Period. You are encouraged to contact website moderators if you encounter any disagreement during your visit.